Moominpappa at Sea follows the plucky Moomin family as they begin an exciting new life on a rocky island far out to sea. Each family member embarks on an adventure – encountering the island’s mysterious inhabitants and discovering their own sense of place.
From the rumblings of the ocean to the squawks of seabirds, an atmospheric soundscape will transport you to the remote island world of the Moomintrolls brought to life by solo performer, Michael Barlow. This unique magical adventure story of a family ‘at sea’ becomes a journey of self-discovery for us all.
Duration: 50 mins
Suitable for ages 5 and above
Jan 14 – Feb 2 at Spare Parts Puppet Theatre
~PJ Party, Friday January 25 at 6:30pm. All tickets just $15 when you book a group of four or more to this session. Get your jammies on and join us for a fun night at Moominpappa at Sea~
Booking Essential
Please visit or telephone 9335 5044
Spare Parts Puppet Theatre
1 Short Street, Fremantle
(opposite Fremantle Train Station)
Produced by special arrangement with Agency North Ltd